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CEIP El Terreno

By date:April 22, 2024May 3rd, 2024No Comments
April 22nd, 2024

WE ARE OCEAN Mar Balear: Interdisciplinary Art-Science-Education Project Empowering Youth for Social-Environmental Change

Palma de Mallorca, Spain


Our school will embark on the WE ARE OCEAN Mar Balear project, an interdisciplinary initiative by ARTPORT_making waves, focused on empowering youth for social-environmental change. Our primary objective is to engage 50 students in local coral protection through co-creative art & sciences workshops. These workshops culminate in an outreach event where students showcase their collaborative artwork and share their visions with local decision-makers, aiming to engage a broader audience of 500 students. Led by Spanish artist Miguel Sbastida, a marine biologist from the I.E.O., and curator Anne-Marie Melster, the project takes a multidisciplinary approach.

Collaborating with local organizations, we will establish a sustainable educational program replicable in schools across the Balearic Islands, Catalunya, and the Valencian region. Aligned with global objectives for ocean literacy and sustainability, the project contributes to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). Anticipated outcomes include local coral protection, heightened awareness, and instilling a sense of responsibility for the ocean among participating youth.

For the educational community of CEIP El Terreno, it’s very significant to be able to participate in the WE ARE OCEAN Mar Balear project, as it aligns with our strong commitment to environmental care and conservation evident through our accreditation as a Blue School in the Network of European Blue Schools. Our school is located in an environment close to the coastal area and surrounded by green spaces, which we think provide a great wealth of experiences and knowledge for our students: the beauty and crucial role of local corals is a real treasure that we will be happy to discover and protect. Moreover, as an inclusive and open institution, we eagerly welcome ongoing collaboration with external partners to amplify our impact and facilitate the sharing of knowledge in the most comprehensive manner possible.

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