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Claret Askartza

By November 20, 2024No Comments
November 20th, 2024

KEN-PLASTIK: More ocean literacy for LESS plastic in the ocean

Leioa, Spain


The project aims to engage students in reducing ocean plastic pollution through learning and community service. The project involves 30 students who will lead efforts to transform attitudes and practices regarding plastic use and waste.

The project is structured in two phases:

Phase 1: Learn to Share

  1. We Get Wet: Ocean literacy sessions with experts, creating a project logo, jingle, and presentation for stakeholders.
  2. We Wet Others: Presenting the project to the school community.
  3. We Play to Learn: Developing a Digital Escape Room game on marine litter.
  4. I Increase It to Better See It: Creating an augmented reality video on microplastics.
  5. Plastic-Free Day: Organizing a plastic-free day at school to analyze and compare litter generation.
  6. We Collect It and Tell It: We conduct cleanups and contribute data to the “Attention, don’t crush me!” initiative.
  7. What Is Collected Becomes Art: Transforming collected plastic into art for an itinerant exhibit.
  8. We See It In Situ: A boat tour along the Basque coast to observe local conditions.
  9. What Did We Do?: Recap and reflection session with reporting.

Phase 2: Share to Change

  1. We Share What We Have Experienced: Presenting the project to local authorities.
  2. Join and Catch the Wave!: To promote engagement, we will share the project and a motivational game with neighbouring schools.
  3. Starting Over, But Not from the Beginning: Maintaining engagement in the “Attention, Don’t Crush Me!” initiative for the next five years.
  4. Keep Going: Recording and supporting activities for future years.

The project will enable the school to join the Network of European Blue Schools (NEBS). By empowering students with scientific knowledge and fostering responsibility, KEN-PLASTIC Plastik aims to educate present and future change agents dedicated to protecting oceans and the environment.

Izaskun Gutiérrez Antón, is a Secondary teacher. Izaskun, who is deeply involved in the
education of students, believes that students, being the protagonists of their own
teaching-learning process, become agents of change and transformation, infecting
others with the care of our environment and particularly in the oceans to be cleaned. In
this case, we are also a forest school, so we truly enjoy and take care of the nature
surrounding us.

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