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CIFP Can Marines

By date:April 15, 2024May 3rd, 2024No Comments
April 15th, 2024

Posidonia Meadows: Project for the germination of Posidonia Oceanica seeds and revegetation of a degraded area

Santa Eulària des Riu, Eivissa, Spain


CIFP Can Marines (Ibiza), an integrated vocational training centre that provides training in agriculture and maritime fishing, is presenting the project to germinate Posidonia oceanica seeds and repopulate a degraded area. The main objective is to raise awareness among students and the entire local community, as these students are the future professionals in the island’s nautical, fishing, and agricultural sectors.

The contents of some modules will be applied, such as germination tests, seedling development, knowledge and control of the chemical parameters of the water, etc. Various local entities and NGOs, as well as other educational centres on the island, will collaborate and participate in different phases of the project. As a result of the project, in addition to the repopulation of a degraded area of the Ibiza coastline, digital, informative, awareness-raising and educational materials will be produced, which will be made available to the public.

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