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Escola Lumen – Fundació Educativa Tramuntana

By date:July 18, 2024August 8th, 2024No Comments
July 18th, 2024

SAVE SEA TURTLES ACTION & RESCUE: “How could we help sea turtles and reduce the percentage of deaths?”

Terrassa, Spain


This initiative aims to educate students about the threats sea turtles face due to human activities, particularly focusing on marine pollution and plastic ingestion.

The S.T.A.R project’s key objectives are to deepen students’ understanding of the threats to sea turtles, cultivate a sense of duty to protect marine life, and engage the entire educational community in conservation efforts.

Activities include:

  1. Classroom Presentations: Informative sessions on marine pollution and its impact on sea turtles.
  2. Hands-on Workshops: Creating artwork from recycled materials and learning about plastic lifecycles.
  3. Local Stream Cleaning: Collaborations with local organizations for cleanups to raise awareness about marine cleanliness.
  4. Turtle Release Event: Organizing a “Return Home” campaign where students participate in releasing turtles back into the sea.
  5. Art and Science Projects: Encouraging students to express conservation themes through sculptures and scientific experiments on plastic pollution.
  6. Eco-friendly Initiatives: Implementing sustainable practices like reducing single-use plastics and conducting awareness campaigns.
  7. Guest Speakers and Expert Sessions: Hosting marine biologists and activists to provide insights and foster dialogue.
  8. Twinning: Establishing connections with other schools via eTwinning and Erasmus for collaborative Open Schooling activities.

Through these activities, the S.T.A.R project aims to inspire students to become advocates for marine conservation and contribute to scientific research. By fostering a culture of sustainability and active involvement, ESCOLA LUMEN hopes to significantly reduce the impact of pollution on sea turtles and other marine life.

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