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Institut Baix Penedès

By August 8, 2024No Comments
August 8th, 2024

The Treasures of Our Sea

El Vendrell, Spain


“The Treasures of Our Sea” (BP&SEA) project engages 321 students in a study of three significant local coastal points: Les Madrigueres, Estany i Riuet de Coma-Ruga, and Masia Blanca. Their goal is to increase awareness of local biodiversity and the importance of environmental stewardship.

Project Breakdown:

  1. Les Madrigueres (1st ESO): Field trip organized by GEVEN, a nautical sailing activity, and a week of interdisciplinary learning activities, culminating in creating the game “The Treasure of Les Madrigueres.”
  2. Estany i Riuet de Coma-Ruga (2nd ESO): Water sample collection and analysis, kayaking, and a week of educational activities resulting in the creation of an informative leaflet, “The Treasure of Riuet.”
  3. Masia Blanca (3rd ESO): A talk on Posidonia meadows recovery by CREAC, snorkelling sessions, and a week of activities leading to the production of a promotional video, “The Treasure of Masia Blanca.”

Project Phases:

  • Planning and Coordination: Teachers will design curriculum-integrated activities related to each coastal area.
  • Implementation: Activities, outings, talks, and nautical activities will be conducted over three weeks from May 27th to June 14th.
  • Evaluation and Communication: Teachers will assess students’ learning and attitudes, propose improvements, and publicize results through local media and social networks.

The BP&SEA project emphasizes open-classroom methodologies, including cooperative group work, project-based learning, and service learning. Collaboration with local entities like GEVEN, CREAC, and the City Council is essential. All educational materials will be stored in a shared drive for future use, ensuring the project’s longevity. IES El Vendrell aims to foster a deeper connection to the sea and promote sustainable practices by involving the entire school community and local stakeholders.
