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ProBleu aims to boost Ocean and Water Literacy beyond the classroom by supporting the Network of European Blue Schools (NEBS) and connecting schools with key scientific disciplines for sustainable and equitable exploitation of ocean and water resources.

ProBleu’s heart lies within the European Union’s “Restore our Oceans and Waters” Mission, which focuses on revitalising aquatic ecosystems, including seas, oceans, and freshwater bodies, through research, innovation, and active citizen involvement. In particular, ProBleu aligns with the Mission’s goals to preserve marine and freshwater ecosystems, combat pollution, and protect biodiversity.

ProBleu sets itself apart by advocating for Open Schooling approaches, encouraging schools to engage more extensively with their communities. Environmental education must be reshaped to foster a broader societal commitment to oceans and waters and drive behavioural changes. ProBleu seeks to strengthen the connection between individuals and their local marine or freshwater environments to achieve this.


To mobilise and engage students and school communities in relation to the EU mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030” across the EU and the associated countries.

To improve the understanding of ocean and freshwater ecosystems and enhance the sense of stewardship towards the value and challenges of oceans and waters among children, youth and teachers.

To grow the Network of European Blue Schools, bringing ocean and water literacy into the classroom across the EU and in the Associated countries.

To mobilise and engage the wider community with the Network of European Blue Schools activities, and communicate the results of project actions towards the Mission objectives, sustaining the Network’s growth.

ProBleu will facilitate school activities focused on ocean and water literacy. This facilitation will primarily involve:

  1. Initiating four funding calls to sustain and enhance current school activities, kick-start and support new initiatives, particularly in schools not currently involved in NEBS.
  2. Adapting and using existing tools previously developed through EU and other projects and activities.
  3. Encouraging collaborative idea generation within schools and the broader network.
  4. Providing a repository of innovative, practical marine and freshwater resources, incorporating Open Schooling and other contemporary learning methodologies, such as blended learning. In particular, two resources will receive special attention in ProBleu:
    1. Resources related to ‘citizen science,’ involving collaboration between educators and scientists.
    2. Facilitating interaction with scientists in the field, such as direct engagement or following research activities on ocean research cruises

Our Sister Projects

Explore our sister projects, SHORE and BlueLightS, also dedicated to enhancing ocean literacy in school communities. Discover their innovative initiatives and funding opportunities!


WP1. Coordination and management

Led by the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC), WP1 comprises the overall scientific, legal, financial, and administrative management of the project. It will support all WP leaders in the planning and implementation of individual WPs, including the timely delivery of all deliverables, and ensure sufficient links and feedback loops are in place between WPs.

WP2. Pipeline to support and accelerate the growth of the Network of European Blue Schools

Led by Earthwatch Europe, WP2 aims to design a pipeline to guide schools through the process of accreditation as Blue Schools; more specifically: (1) to encourage accreditation in the Network of European Blue Schools and reduceProBleu barriers to the process, thus increasing sustainability; and (2) to work with schools funded through the ProBleu calls to co-create pathways towards increased impact and achievement of the Mission objectives.

WP3. Accessible teaching support for ocean and water learning

Led by Plymouth Marine Laboratory, WP3 will support educators with tools and interfaces to translate scientific data and understanding of the freshwater and ocean environment into teaching materials, with core examples provided to inspire co-creation within the network. Co-design and testing with educators will deliver a requirements-based portfolio of teaching aids, which will then be shared among users.

WP 4. Financial support for student and school projects

Led by INOVA+, WP4 aims to design and implement a support scheme providing funding opportunities for students and school projects implementing the objectives of the Mission, promoting at least 150 primary and secondary school projects across the EU and in the Associated countries. This WP will also focus on promoting community building and experiences exchange among the supported schools, teachers and students.

WP5. Assessment of learning outcomes and impacts

Led by Kaunas University of Technology, WP5 aims to assess the quality of water and ocean learning, including the added value of interactive teaching materials and simulation tools (WP3). The learning outcomes of the student and school projects are also evaluated, as well as the impact of the projects of the schools in the Network of European Blue Schools, and the wider impact of ProBleu. So in WP5 a methodology for the assessment of ocean and water literacy will be developed.

WP6. Dissemination, exploitation and communication

Led by the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC), WP6 will effectively communicate and disseminate the project activities (as the ProBleu cascade funding) and results through the consortium’s networks to a broad and diverse audience. Also it will try to attract a large number of school communities to the Network of European Blue Schools as well as promote the concept of Blue Schools and ocean and freshwater literacy more generally.

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