Bl3u. Zografou, Greece. 3rd Primary School. Simulating aquatic ecosystems with an educational aquarium, collaborating with schools abroad, and engaging students in hands-on marine studies to enhance their marine life literacy and conservation awareness.
COSTAMAR. Ametlla de Mar. Spain. Escola Sant Jordi. Involving students in coastal studies to understand changes, marine biodiversity, and promote sustainable practices through interactive activities.
Sea Guardians. J. da Madeira, Portugal. Colégio Centro de Educação Integral. A project to involve the entire educational community in understanding the interconnectivity of water systems and promoting sustainable practices for water conservation.
Sea Guardians. Ericeira, Portugal. Ericeira School Cluster. A project to explore and preserve tidal pools’ biodiversity, engaging students in hands-on activities and digital literacy to promote marine sustainability.
reGO. CEIP de Barouta. Ames, Spain. Transforming a degraded pond into a water laboratory to enhance understanding of freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity.
Guardians of the Estuary. Fowey Primary School. Fowey, United Kingdom. Students engage in wildlife conservation, shaping future custodians of this vital marine conservation zone.
FOMSHE. Centre Formació Folgado. Valencia, Spain. Students are collaborating to design and manufacture biodegradable shelters for Syngnathus hippocampus.
Every drop finds its way to a river and from there to the sea. Kohila Gümnaasium. Kohila, Estonia. A citizen science project, to collecting data from freshwater ecosystems and uploading it to a national database through online platforms and apps.
We are Ocean Mar Balear. CEIP El Terreno. Palma de Mallorca, Spain. An interdisciplinary initiative by ARTPORT_making waves, focused on empowering youth for social-environmental change.
BlueGuard Kids, École La Renaissance. Sete, France. The project aims to address these objectives by placing young students at the centre of managing a site along the lagoon.